Owner: Alex Muira

After spending many years in the corporate world, dealing with its complexities became more of a headache than it was worth. So, at the age of 60, I decided to simplify my life. I've got three decades of experience in the industry under my belt, learning the ins and outs. Although the corporate scene was once valuable, it lost its appeal. Now, I'm taking that knowledge and turning it into something I genuinely enjoy. I've set up a small venture, not for the big bucks, but for the joy it brings. It allows me to take it easy, share what I've learned, and savor each moment. I've planted my roots in Sonoma, ready for a new journey.

  • Honesty and Transparency

    At A&J Yard Service, we believe being honest is the best form of transparency. We always offer our best ideas, thoughts, and price models for any given project you need. With your project we will always give your our best and expect the same in return.

  • Your Dreams & Vision

    What else is there to your project besides getting everything you ever wanted? With us, you have a 100% guarantee that you will get what you ask for. Remember to be transparent with us and give us every detail of the job at hand. With all of this information, we will easily be able to handle any task given!

  • Affordable & Easy

    We get it... times can be tough. That's why with A&J Yard Service, we give some of the most competitve rates around. From discounts of repetitve services to first timers, we always have your best interest at heart. With all of these you can truly see this makes us the clear choice for the premier landscaping and yard service in Sonoma County.

Ready for a Quote?

If you're ready to transform your landscape with A&J Yard Service, please fill out a quote by clicking the button below.